En los pasados meses de septiembre a diciembre, nuestros estudiantes se prepararon arduamente para su competencia anual FIRST Tech Challenge, donde en la edición 2025 se presentaron en el regional...
Garage Hub Inc
Education and technology available for everyone.

Who are we?
Creative space that designs learning experiences based on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) with a social impact, located in Calexico, US with operations in California and northwest Mexico.

we do?
¿Qué hacemos?
Education + Technology

Technology workshops

Innovation programs

Professional development


Summer camps

Social project
In 6 years
Boys and girls trained
Kids impacted
Trained teachers
Based on the education model
Maker + stem
What is Maker?
It is a social trend that represents the development of manufacturing skills in different complexities. Due to its focus on science and technology, it is fully adapted to education, allowing students to create and design high impact prototypes using tools such as 3D printing, laser cutting, microcontrollers, recycled materials, etc.
What is STEM?
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teaching-learning model is a global trend that promotes the development of critical thinking and proposes learning based on problem solving and develops skills that are indispensable to compete with the 21st century workforce with an inclusive social approach for girls, boys and young people to become interested in these areas of knowledge.

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Xicalibots Acredita pase al nacional de FIRST Tech Challenge 2025
Xicalibots debuta con éxito en FLL 2024-2025 y avanza al Estatal de California
El equipo Xicalibots, representativo de El Garage Project Hub, sigue rompiendo fronteras y dejando huella en la competencia First Lego League 2024-2025. El pasado 11 de noviembre de 2024, los...
Xicalibots Asiste al Nacional FIRST Tech Challenger 2025
Cuando el Proyecto Black 21741 conquisto el pase al Nacional Festejado 21 y 22 de febrero del 2025 En el evento Nacional de FIRST TECH CHALLENGE 2025, nuestro equipo representativo de Gagare Projet...
+1 760 815 2552
Maestros Federales
237 Rockwood Ave. Ste. 120
#94 Caléxico, CA, USA